Recent Projects

Fall Food Plot Planting 

How Many Different Forages Can You Find ?  (Hint, There are 16)

The initial phase of our two-part food plot system focuses on creating a diverse and nutrient-rich environment for wildlife. Utilizing minimum tillage methods to minimize soil disturbance, we introduce a blend of spring and summer forages. This strategic approach not only enhances the nutritional content of the soil but also promotes a healthy ecosystem.

After allowing the spring and summer forages to flourish, we carefully terminate Part 1, setting the stage for the second phase. This termination process is a crucial step in our sustainable practices, as it minimizes soil disruption and maintains the ecological balance achieved in Part 1.

Building upon the foundation laid in Part 1, the second phase utilizes the nutrition cycling process initiated by the diverse spring and summer forages. This natural approach optimizes the soil's health and primes it for a successful fall planting. Notably, the plots on this property required no additional fertilization throughout the growing season, demonstrating the effectiveness of our holistic approach. With each planting of the system cycling nutrition back into the soil, our food plots feed themselves, producing excellent yields and forage. 

At Tier1Habitat, we understand the selective browsing habits of deer. Monoculture plantings fall short of satisfying their diverse dietary needs. Our commitment to superior habitat enhancement involves using highly diverse seed blends, providing deer with a multitude of forage opportunities. This not only makes our food plots more attractive but also contributes to the overall health and well-being of the wildlife on your property.

Kill Plot Progression, The Red Dot Indicates A Large Hickory Tree for Reference 

Kill Plot Creation

In this significant habitat improvement undertaking, our primary objective was to craft a strategically positioned small kill plot in the northeastern corner of the property. Nestled approximately 80 yards off the northern property line, this 25-yard-wide, roughly 30-yard-long plot was meticulously designed to optimize bowhunting opportunities, with a well-placed ladder stand ensuring an 80% of the plot is in effective bow range.

Encircling the kill plot, the landscape featured about two acres of pole-sized timber, predominantly aspen and soft maple, interspersed with white pine, hickory, apple trees, and a couple red oak. The pole timber and honeysuckle had significantly shaded out native browse, resulting in minimal food or cover.

Before and After, Prime Security Cover surrounding a High Quality Food Source, make this one of the most productive ambush locations on this property

Commencing the project with a comprehensive clear-cut, signs of significant regeneration were apparent only a couple of months after. The once-barren area has flourished, boasting cover well-over 8 feet tall with woody regeneration and herbaceous species. This growth not only provides abundant food but also establishes extraordinarily thick bedding and security cover. The soil of the food plot underwent testing, lime application, and necessary amendments, transforming it into a nutrient-rich source of forage.

The small food plot is typically planted with a blend of crimson and balansa clovers, winter rye, an awnless winter wheat variety, and Australian winter peas. Over the years, it has evolved into one of the most productive hunting plots on the property. The diverse forage, coupled with woody browse, briars, and herbaceous growth, alongside the proximity of thick security cover, makes this plot a favored spot for deer at all times of the day. Deer frequently visit for quick foraging sessions, utilizing the adjacent surrounding clear-cut area for bedding.

Transforming the Heart of a Property

Before and After Photos Show the Location of Seed Tree Clear-Cut and FSI, to  Increase Bedding, Security Cover, and Browse on This Property 

The property in question faced a notable deficiency in security cover and suitable bedding locations for deer. The existing stand primarily consisted of closed canopy hemlock, accompanied by a mix of yellow birch, hard maple, red or soft maple, red oak, and aspen. Recognizing the need for a strategic intervention, Tier1Habitat embarked on a mission to enhance the center portion of the property.

Our approach involved a meticulous 7 acre seed tree clear cut to maximize sunlight penetration. The selective removal of dominant hemlock and the retention of seed trees, including yellow birch, red oak, and maple, aimed at facilitating natural regeneration and promoting the growth of preferred tree species.

Goals Achieved:

Increased Security Cover: The clear cut significantly augmented security cover and bedding locations for deer within the central area of the property.

Enhanced Browse and Bedding Opportunities:  By fostering the growth of birars, woody regeneration, and herbaceous plants, we created an inviting environment for deer to browse and bed.

Daylight Deer Presence:  Implementation of smaller hunting or kill plots, complemented by larger destination plots along the property's perimeter, transformed it into an "inside-out property." This strategic layout encourages deer to spend more daylight time within the property, increasing hunting opportunities.

Improved Predictability:  Previously a "pass-through" property, the enhanced habitat now ensures that deer linger, providing greater predictability in their movement patterns and hunting opportunities.

Seasonal Impact:  During the rut, bucks are drawn to the property, spending more daylight hours exploring multiple bedding areas in search of estrus does. Mornings witness deer traveling from distant agriculture fields to browse and bed in the property's center, creating a dynamic and predictable movement pattern.

Tier1Habitat thrives on delivering comprehensive habitat improvements that go beyond the ordinary. Stay tuned for more success stories and insights into how we can transform your property into a haven for wildlife and a paradise for hunters.