Verified Results 


Tier1Habitat conducted a comprehensive trail camera survey spanning four years (2020-,2021,2022,2023) on a 111-acre Test property. The study aimed to assess the impact of habitat improvement projects on buck sightings during daylight hours.

Survey Area Breakdown:

The property was divided into 11 stands based on terrain, habitat features, and forest composition. Notable stands included transitional hardwoods (Stand 2), successional hardwoods (Stand 6), and hemlock/northern hardwoods (Stand 8). Pre-2020 Habitat Improvements, the property featured food plots in Stands 4, 6, and 8. These Plots were primarily planted in Clover 

Objective and Duration:

The primary objective of this trail camera survey spanning the years 2020 to 2023 was to assess the impact of habitat improvement initiatives on the presence of daytime buck movement on a 111-acre property. The study period, from September 1 to December 31, aligns with the local hunting seasons, ensuring relevance to the hunting community.

Camera Deployment:

Seventeen cellular trail cameras were strategically deployed across the study area. Each camera was positioned in approximately the same location during the corresponding years to ensure consistency in data collection. This careful placement allowed for the capture of mature buck activity over time.

Camera Protocols:

Geographical Distribution: Cameras were distributed across the property's 11 stands, with consideration for terrain, habitat features, and forest composition. This comprehensive approach aimed to capture variations in deer movement and behavior based on stand characteristics.

Consistent Location: Cameras were placed in consistent locations within each stand, ensuring that data collected over the years could be directly compared. This consistency in camera placement is crucial for drawing accurate conclusions about changes in deer activity over time.

Data Sorting:

 Trail camera pictures were sorted by year, month, and broken down into five-day blocks from September 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023. Specifically, only images of bucks (estimated age of over 1.5yrs ) taken during these periods were included in the analysis. This focus on older bucks provides valuable insights into changes in their behavior influenced by habitat improvements during daylight hours and legal hunting times. This detailed breakdown allowed for a nuanced analysis of deer activity patterns, providing a comprehensive understanding of the impact of habitat improvements.

Habitat Improvement Timeline:

Pre-2020: approx 1 acres of food plots, planted mostly in clover mix

2020: Logging operation 6 acre seed tree clear-cut, in Stands 1, 7, and 6.

2021: 2 acre Patch cut and 1 acre oak crop tree release in Stand 2, increased destination plots in Stand from 1.5 acres to 2.5 acres

2022: Hunting plot added to Stand 6, patch cut openings and timber thinning in Stand 6.

2023: Additional patch cutting and thinning in Stand 6.

Trail Camera Survey Results:

Total Daylight Pics of Bucks >1.5yrs during the four month survey 


2020 27

2021 33

2022 81

2023 131


The results demonstrate a consistent increase in buck sightings during daylight hours over the study period. In 2020, there were 27 daylight pictures, which steadily rose to 131 in 2023. The habitat improvements, including the clear-cut, patch cuts, timber thinning, and food plot enhancements, played a pivotal role in enhancing the property's attractiveness to bucks.


Improved habitat quality contributed to increased daylight activity, providing tangible benefits for hunters. The transition from a "pass-through property" to an "inside-out" model resulted in more significant time spent by deer on the property, enhancing hunting opportunities. The combination of increased forage, bedding areas, and security cover created an environment that bucks found appealing during daylight hours.


Tier 1's  habitat improvement projects have proven to be effective in transforming the property, resulting in a notable rise in buck sightings during daylight hours. These improvements offer not only enhanced hunting opportunities but also contribute to the overall biodiversity and health of the local wildlife. For individuals seeking to improve their hunting experiences and wildlife habitat, Tier1 provides tailored solutions based on proven results.

Anticipated Changes in Daylight Buck Activity As time goes on

The current concentration of daytime pictures during the breeding season is a typical observation, given heightened buck movement during this period. Our future expectations align with a more evenly distributed occurrence of daylight buck activity across the entire four-month study period and peaking during the Pre-Rut and Rut. As habitat improvements mature cover and forage will improve greatly.  With additional future habitat improvement projects planned, we anticipate a broader and more consistent presence of buck activity throughout the entire hunting season.